Non Muslim

Kako ćeš biti musliman?

Kako ćeš biti musliman? – كيف تكون مسلما؟ – – Bosnian – Bosanski – بوسني Number of Pages: 22

من قسم: Bosanski - بوسني تعرف على الأسلام

Propisi vezani za odnos prema nemuslimanima

Propisi vezani za odnos prema nemuslimanima – أحكام التعامل مع غير المسلمين – Bosnian – Bosanski – بوسني Number of Pages: 27

من قسم: Bosanski - بوسني تعرف على الأسلام


MENGENAL ISLAM – التعريف الموجز بالإسلام – Indonesian – إندونيسي Number of Pages: 19

من قسم: Indonesian - إندونيسي تعرف على الأسلام

Os Direitos dos Não-Muçulmanos no Islã

Os Direitos dos Não-Muçulmanos no Islã – حقوق غير المسلمين في الإسلام – – برتغالي-portugues-Português  Number of Pages: 53

من قسم: Português - برتغالي

Entendiendo al Islam y los Musulmanes

Entendiendo al Islam y los Musulmanes -التعريف بالإسلام والمسلمين – Español – أسباني Number of Pages: 34   Le Coran

من قسم: Español - أسباني تعرف على الأسلام

Islam Is

Islam Is -الإسلام هو- An excellent book for non-Muslims explaining various aspects of Islam. This article shows the steps that a person needs to take to accept Islam as his/her religion, enter its fold, and become a Muslim   English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 59

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Jesus & the Bible

Jesus & the Bible -عيسى في الإنجيل- By Rashad Abdul Muhaimin Concise examination of the Christian texts as well as the Islamic perspective of the purpose and message of Jesu Concise examination of the Christian texts as well as the Islamic perspective of the purpose and message of Jesu –English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي

The Life of Isa ( Jesus ) -peace be upon him- in Light of Islam

The Life of Isa ( Jesus ) -peace be upon him- in Light of Islam -حياة عيسى عليه السلام في ضوء الإسلام- The Life of Isa (Jesus) -peace be upon him- in Light of Islam: His personality has impacted the three major religions of this world, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Given the importance of […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي

Answering Those Who Altered The Religion of Jesus Christ

ANSWERING THOSE WHO ALTERED THE RELIGION OF JESUS CHRIST – الجواب الصحيح لمن بدل دين المسيح – by Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taimiyah (Author) This book is one of the most important Islamic books which gives right answers about Christianity. English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 41

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Answers To Non Muslims Common Questions About Islam

Answers To Non Muslims Common Questions About Islam – أجوبة على الأسئلة الشائعة لغير المسلمين حول الإسلام – By Zakir Naik In conveying the message of Islam to a non-Muslim, it is usually not sufficient to highlight only the positive nature of Islam. Most non-Muslims are not convinced about the truth of Islam because there […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Become acquainted with Islam

Become acquainted with Islam – تعرف على الإسلام – Become Acquainted With Islam: It is necessary, before explaining the facts and the pillars of Islam, to elaborate and understand the meaning of the name Islam. The word Islam has many meanings. It means submission, safety, and peace. In this study, when we mention the word […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

The Bible led me to Islam

  The Bible led me to Islam – الإنجيل قادني إلى الإسلام By :  Ahmed Deedat This book is a compilation of excerpts from several books addressing Christianity that I had the pleasure of reading before and after I became a Muslim. After becoming a Muslim, I continued to read books about Christianity because the […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Muhammad in the Torah and Gospel

Muhammad in the Torah and Gospel – محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم في التوراة والإنجيل   An incisive, thoroughly research and above all informative discourse on the subject of Prophet Muhammad in Torah and Bible.   -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 32 الدعوة والإرشاد وتوعية الجاليات بشرق جدة

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Allah: Frequently Asked Questions

Allah: Frequently Asked Questions – الأسئلة الأكثر طرحا عن الله Questions atheists usually ask about Allah might vary but, they’re predictable. Consider these: 1. Is there evidence God Exists? 2. How can we prove there is a God? 3. Where is God? 4. What is the origin of God? Where did He come from? and […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

The truth about the original sin

The truth about the original sin -حقيقة الخطيئة الأصلية 1- Is humanity guilty for the sin of Adam? The Christian and Islamic concepts of sin, repentance, and sacrifice compared 2- The Wisdom behind the sin of Adam, the fate of the innocent, and the basis of the theory of original sin English – إنجليزي Number […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام


LET THE BIBLE SPEAKSPEAK – ​دع الانجيل يتكلم by : Ali Muhsln Being totally convinced that this book (Le’t – the Bible Speak) contains good infonnation about The Bible and The Holy Qur’an, FOREWORD Being totally convinced that this book (Let – the Bible Speak) contains good infonnation about The Bible and The Holy Qur’an, […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي

Clear Your Doubts About Islam

Clear Your Doubts About Islam – أزل شبهاتك عن الإسلام- Information is a source of assurance and a bridge to tolerance and understanding. This book provides concise yet comprehensive answers to questions most often raised about Islam and corrects much of the misinformation currently being spread in a clear, logical manner. Though initially meant for […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

A Window to Islam

A Window to Islam – نافذة على الإسلام – .A brief description of basic Islamic beliefs and practices for non-Muslims with color photos. Suitable for distribution by daʽwah organizations and others There are few people on earth today who have not heard something about Islam. Yet, one is often surprised to learn that it is […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

What They Said About Islam ?

What They Said About Islam ?   -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 163

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام


WELCOME TO ISLAM A SHORT INTRODUCTION PRESENTATION مرحبًا بكم في الأسلام .The book is dedicated to non-Muslims who desire to know Islam in brief and look forward to know its most important teachings .We hope the book will also be useful for Muslims as well as the newly converted .The book has been translated to […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

A Guide to Giving Dawah To Non-Muslims

A Guide to Giving Da’wah To Non-Muslims دليل الدعوة لغير المسلمين Book Author: Zeinab Hassan Ashry One of the most important priorities in our time is to increase the number of callers, those who call Muslims to align on the straight path and calling Non-Muslims to Islam. We can give them the keys and skills […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

How to Become a Muslim

How to Become a Muslim Book Author: Abdur-Rahman alSheha You have to believe that there is only one God, Allah, who created the entire universe, and that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is his final messenger on earth. If you recite this, with total sincerity, in front of two witnesses, you have become a Muslim. The […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Discover Islam

Discover Islam Book Author: Al-Jumuah staff Discover I’slam: A brief book that guides a person towards Islam, Islam is the religion and way of life of about one Fifth of the world’s population The New Muslim Guide -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 101

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

The Vastness of Islam and its Tolerance with all Religion

The Vastness of Islam and its Tolerance with all Religion اتساع الإسلام وتسامحه مع كل دين The Qur’an is a universal teaching which means the human being wherever he is and to whatever race he belongs. Constantly calling to reason, to the good sense and to the noble feelings. Book Author: Mohamed Abdel Azim Aly […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Ruling on Participating in Non Muslim Religious Celebrations

Ruling on Participating in Non Muslim Religious Celebrations حكم الاشتراك في الاحتفالات الدينية لغير المسلمين Sh. Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjed tries to discuss the issue of participating in non-Muslim religious celebrations. He shows the correct answer about that based on the Quranic and Prophetic texts. Book Author: Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid Publisher: Zad Group Year of Publication: […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

A Conversation with an Atheist

A Conversation with an Atheist حوار مع ملحد Book Author: Muhammad Alghazali In an attempt to make use of Muslim scholarship in the field of Da`wah, the E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) presents in this ebook a conversation that took place between the prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali and an atheist. Book Translator: EDC Number of […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Islam: The Religion You can no Longer Ignore

Islam: The Religion You can no Longer Ignore الإسلام: الدين الذي لم تعد تستطيع تجاهله Book Author: Syed lqbal Zaheer -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 64

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

The ONLY WAY Out A Guide for Truth Seekers

The ONLY WAY Out A Guide for Truth Seekers الطريق الوحيد دليل للباحثين عن الحقيقة Book Author: Abdullah S. Al-Shehri -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 386

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام


DA’WAH TO ATHEISTIS, DEISTS AND AGNOSTICS دعوه للملحدين -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 11

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Dawah To Christians

Dawah To Christians الدعوة للمسيحيين -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 17

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام


HAVE YOU DISCOVERED its Real Beauty? هل اكتشفت جمالها الحقيقي؟   -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 96

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Dawah Training Manual

Dawah Training Manual Book Author: Fazal Rahman Book Translator: Muhammad AbdulRaoof -English – إنجليزي

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islamic State

The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islamic State   Book Author: S. Abul Ala Mawdudi -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 33

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام


ARE YOU READY FOR ISLAM هل أنت جاهز للإسلام Book Author: El-Haqq Islamic Resource Center   -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 7

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Muhammad in the Bible

Muhammad in the Bible محمد في الأنجيل This booklet briefly describes some of the many verses in the Bible that deal with the coming of Muhammaad (peace be upon him). Many Christians and Jews have accepted Islam (Islam literally means ‘submission to God’) by recognizing Muhammad (peace be upon him) from the Bible. One of […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Why I Ask People to Become Muslims

Why I Ask People to Become Muslims: A Few of the Reasons لماذا أطلب من الناس أن يصبحوا مسلمين Book Author: Yahya George Maxwell Year of Publication: 2008 -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 19

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام


TREATMENT OF NON- MUSLIMS IN ISLAM معاملة غير المسلمين في الإسلام Book Author: THE ROYAL ACADEMY FOR ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION RESEARCH (AL ALBAIT FOUNDATIONS) Publisher: Al Albait Foundation Year of Publication: 1992 -English – إنجليزي Number of Pages: 78 Receiving good t’reatment is the right of a non-Muslim under Islam, not just a matter of courtesy.Poor […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

The Quran and Modern Science Compatible or Incompatible

The Quran and Modern Science Compatible or Incompatible القرآن والعلم الحديث متوافقان أو غير متوافقين Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik Pages: 67 Size: 3.5 MB Ever since the dawn of human life on this planet, Man has always tried to understand Nature, his own place in the scheme of Creation and the purpose of Life […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Rules on How to Interact with Non Muslims

Rules on How to Interact with Non Muslims أحكام التعامل مع غير المسلمين Book Author: Khalid b. Muhammad al-Maajid Translation: Abdur-Rahman Murad The author says in his introduction, «The aim of this booklet is to educate new Muslims about laws that pertain to non-Muslims in matters of Aqeedah (creed) and Fiqh (Jurisprudential Law) and the stance […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Coexistence between Muslims and Non-Muslims in Light of Qur’an and Sunnah

Coexistence between Muslims and Non-Muslims in Light of Qur’an and Sunnah التعايش بين المسلمين وغير المسلمين في ضوء الكتاب والسنة Indeed, the final message of Islam was sent down to the inhabitants of the earth in such an era which recognized neither justice nor kindness nor the contemporary concepts of freedom, pluralism or peaceful coexistenc […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

What Does it Mean: You Are a Muslim?

What Does it Mean: You Are a Muslim? ماذا يعني أنت مسلم؟ Book Author: Suleiman Saoud Al Saqer Muslims consider the Quran, their holy book, to be the verbatim word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophet and messenger Muhammad. Publisher: www.islamhouse .com -English – إنجليزي

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

The Concept of God in Islam and Hinduism

The Concept of God in Islam and Hinduism مفهوم الأله في الإسلام والهندوسية God is One, God is an eternal and timeless Reality, everything is from Him, but He is not from anything, He is the Creator of everything, He is the Sustainer of the whole universe. Book Author: E-Da`wah Committee (EDC) Publisher: E-Da`wah Committee […]

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام

Eradicating the Misunderstanding

Eradicating the Misunderstanding استئصال سوء التفاهم This small article helps those people working at online dawah activities to introduce Islam to the non-Muslims and clear up some common misconceptions Book Author: Mohammed A. Al-Abdulhay Publisher: -English – إنجليزي

من قسم: English - إنجليزي تعرف على الأسلام
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