LET THE BIBLE SPEAKSPEAK-​ دع الانجيل يتكلم -English – إنجليزي


– ​دع الانجيل يتكلم

by : Ali Muhsln

Being totally convinced that this book (Le’t – the Bible Speak)

contains good infonnation about The Bible and The Holy Qur’an,

Being totally convinced that this book (Let – the Bible Speak) contains
good infonnation about The Bible and The Holy Qur’an, The Dammam
Islamic DaWah and Guidance Center decided to reprint it again. But as we
prepare to do the job we have noticed that the copy that was available was
too blurred and not good enough for reproduction.
Due to this problem, Danunam Dawah and Guidance Center work it out
to review, retyped, annotates and corrects the whole book, such as~
1. Some references are missing
2. Some quotation
3. Misspelling
4. Typing errors
S. Some chapters and verses are not accurate.
We have tried our utmost to reproduce the book as it is with some
minute changes to ensure that the book will not lose its internal beauty
for the benefit of all who read it

English – إنجليزي

Number of Pages: 26

المؤلف Ali Muhsln
عدد الصفحات 26